Siobhan Purser-Blackman

Central Hospital for Veterinary Medicine

Woodbury, CT


Inventory Manager


November 2015

Vetcove Member Since

Current Role

I currently manage a 300+k inventory solo, for a large emergency referral practice in Connecticut, with a newly opened satellite office. I am lead chart checker, Cubex/controlled drug head honcho, supervise our maintenance crew, employee billing, and part of the best management team around!

Favorite Vetcove Tip

Make sure to check out the Discuss forum, there is so much great advice, tips and just camaraderie that will make you feel less alone!

Favorite Veterinary Life Hack

We store our red rubber catheters in PVC tubing that has been cut to the appropriate size. Makes storing them on a shelf so much neater!

Reasons I love working in the veterinary field

Gosh, after 26 years, there are so many reasons....while I am not hands on with patients anymore, seeing the incredible dedication and passion of my coworkers is awesome. Animals are our passion...Medical advancement is astonishing and I still cry when I see a family reunited with their beloved pet, when they thought they might not.

Interested in applying to join the Cove Crew?

Applications for the Cove Crew are now closed. If you are interested in joining, stay tuned as we plan on opening applications in the future for our active Vetcove users!

Veterinary Supply Starts Here.


382 NE 191st St. PMB 46115

Miami, FL 33179
